Art Director | Creative



Challenge: To reframe the issue of home fire safety from "Something that will never happen to me" to "Something I should be mindful of at all times".
Solution: Based on the insight that most home fires are caused by small mistakes, we created a campaign that created a safe space for people to make mistakes – and where it wouldn’t cause a fire, The Safe Mistake Zone.
Responsibilities: Creative, Art Direction, Design.


Online: The website directed people through the house highlighting the easy mistakes that can cause home fires while the safe mistake areas allowed people to make online and real life mistakes.

OOH posters featured throughout Victoria and on VLine trains.

PR: An event took place at Federation Square encouraging people to make Safe Mistakes, which included; Getting a regrettable tattoo, getting married on the spot, getting a bad hairstyle, taking an awkward family portrait and sitting in wet paint. We also let primary school kids decorate a Fire Truck while educating them about the campaign and fire safety.

Tailored social content-driven PR: Tailored 'Safe Mistake Selfies' were sent to journalists and celebrities all over Victoria allowing them to make a #SafeMistake on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by sharing a photo of their silly Safe Mistake. Our strategy earned us over 1.2 million twitter impressions in one day alone, helping the home fire safety message reach more people than ever before.